English Teacher Sharing (ETS)
Are you proud to be an English teacher? If so, this network is for you!
Aim of the network
English Teacher Sharing (ETS) aims at sharing inspiration, best practice and research on English teaching by bringing together practicing teachers and researchers. An overarching goal of ETS is to contribute to a strong sense of identity and professional pride among English teachers.
Practicing teachers in English as a foreign language, teacher students and researchers are welcome to join ETS.
ETS started in 2014 and has the goal of meeting once a year. If you join the network, an invitation will be sent via email.
ETS has a channel where the webinars are published. You can therefore take part of the exciting content afterwards.
See previous webinars on MDU Play Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Please contact Elisabeth Wulff Sahlén, lecturer in English at Mälardalen university, if you would like to join the network or have a question.

Elisabeth Wulff Sahlén