
Digitalised Management

Are you facing a digital transformation? DigMa is a collection page featuring current research which contributes to the development of knowledge about digitalisation and its organisational effects. Here both managers and employees in the private or public sectors can find information and read about insights on how digital technology affects organisations and the future of work and management.

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Living in a time in which “nothing remains the same but nothing essentially changes”

The thing about the earliest tools that I found quite interesting is that they predate the arrival of our species' particular configuration of genetic material by some 3 million years. Humans, and even most of our ancestors, it seems quite clear, have never existed without our dear “stuff.” We have always been social, and we have always had some stuff to tinker with.

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How will AI change the world?

Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, AI has become the talk of the town. Some are optimistic about the development, but a lot of people are worried. This text explains why the question put in the heading is wrong. Rather than asking how AI will change the word, we should ask: how do we want AI to change the world?

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Tension when AI is introduced in HR work

Artificial intelligence (AI) is said to be able to streamline and complement HR processes throughout the entire employee employment journey which may fundamentally change HR work and the relevance of HR departments.

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