
Datum 2022-02-28
Artikeltyp News

Drop-in for vaccination against Covid-19

During March and April, you can get vaccinated against Covid-19 at the Eskilstuna and Västerås campuses, without making an appointment. You can take your first, second or third dose.

Eskilstuna campus

Region Sörmland offers drop-in in room C1-007 between 11:00 to 16:00:

  • Wednesday 9 March
  • Wednesday 16 March

If you come to take your second or third dose, please bring your vaccination card or covid certificate. It is possible to be vaccinated even if you do not have a Swedish identity number. Just bring a valid identity document.

Dose three

You can take dose three if three months have passed since you took dose two.
If you were born in 1942 or earlier, live in special housing for the elderly, have been granted home care or home health care, or have a seriously impaired immune system, you can also receive your fourth dose. In this case, 4 months must have passed since you received your third dose.

Read more about vaccination against COVID-19 in Sörmland


Do you have any questions?

Contact Region Sörmland

Västerås campus

Region Västmanland offers drop-in in lecture hall Alfa between 11:00 to 16:00:

  • Tuesday 8 March
  • Tuesday 15 March
  • Tuesday 19 April

For the vaccination, you need to fill in a health declaration and show a valid ID. Even if you do not have a Swedish identity number, you can still be vaccinated by presenting an LMA card or a temporary number (health care ID number). If you do not yet have a temporary number, you can get help with this on site.



  • Dose 1 is given to everyone aged 12 and over
  • Dose 2 is given at least 4 weeks after dose 1
  • Dose 3 is given to those aged 18 or over when at least 3 months have passed since dose 2.

All approved vaccines are used

If you are 31 years and older, you can be vaccinated with any approved vaccine, regardless of which vaccine you have received previously. If you are 30 years or younger, you will only be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine.

Read more about vaccination against COVID-19 in Västmanland


Do you have any questions?

Contact Region Västmanland