Nominate a candidate for the Teaching Award
This autumn, teaching awards will be given to recipients at MDU. From today until 7 May 2022, those who study or work at MDU are invited to suggest who or which persons you think should receive the award.
The award will recognise MDU's teachers who actively engage their students. This can be done through teaching in an innovative and creative way, or by allowing students to connect early with their future employers. The award can also go to someone who puts full focus on their students, and encourages them to be curious, creative, and to think critically. Nominate the person or people who you believe set an example.
The award, with a value of SEK 50000, will be bestowed in conjunction with the Academic Ceremony. The Vice-Chancellor will decide who or which persons will receive the award. The prize money will be distributed among the recipients if several people receive an award. MDU's first joint teaching award has been bestowed since 2013.
“The teaching award was established to highlight that we as a higher education institution value teaching expertise and educational development. For us, it is essential to ensure excellent quality in education and therefor the input made by our teachers is crucial. You now have the possibility to highlight good teachers who, through innovative thinking or special efforts, contribute to a good learning environment at MDU. I hope that both employees and students will take advantage of the opportunity to nominate persons for the award,” says Lena Gumaelius, acting Vice-Chancellor at MDU.
Four categories for nomination
The criteria for the prestigious teaching award are based on the below categories:
- Teaching achievements
The nominee/nominees have demonstrated teaching expertise by enabling and developing learning for all students. - Collaboration
The nominee/nominees have shown commitment and ability in interacting with colleagues or with representatives from the students' future employers. - Educational leadership
The nominee/nominees have worked to develop education and teaching in various ways. - Dissemination of models and results
The nominee/nominees have worked to spread good models and results both in the region, in the country and abroad.
What is the meaning of a Teaching Award?
MDU wishes to promote educational development. By highlighting skilled teachers and other employees at the University, MDU does not just want to focus on teaching expertise, but also wishes to stimulate educational development and continuing professional development. The award is given to someone who has made outstanding contributions to education at first cycle and second cycle level.
Who can be nominated?
Both individual employees, teaching teams, a department/unit or a division can be nominated for the award. In the case of an individual employee, they must be permanently employed at MDU and work at least 50 percent of a full-time position.
Who can nominate?
Both students and employees at MDU can nominate one or more candidates for the teaching award. Nominations can be made by both individuals and groups.
How can we nominate?
Submit your nominations through the nomination form.
Please submit your nominations no later than 7 May 2022!