Compete with your best ideas about sustainable energy consumption in cities
Do you as a student have ideas on how we can use our cities' energy data to achieve a more sustainable and efficient use of energy? Now you can get the chance to present your idea, develop it further together with experts and compete to win 15,000 SEK at the same time.
The "Open Data Challenge, University Class" competition is organised by Mälardalen University (MDH) and Mälarenergi and is aimed at students who want to participate in the efforts to accelerate the development of electrification and energy while simultaneously driving climate change – both in Sweden and internationally.
– We are looking for innovative concepts and possibilities in the field of energy, society and real estate. We want to highlight your ideas as a student, ideas that can lead to anything from a more efficient use of resources and energy to solutions that simplify the lives of individuals or companies. Ultimately, we wish to strengthen the economic, social and ecological sustainability, says Fredrik Wallin, Senior Lecturer at MDH and presenter of NRGY HUB.
How does the competition work?
- You/your fellow students should submit your ideas no later than 20 October. After that, a first selection of participants will be made.
- From 1 November to 10 November: the selected teams further develop their idea together with expert support from MDH and Mälarenergi.
- On 10 November the final work should be submitted to a jury.
– The idea must be based on the open data that was provided during the competition. The data can be used independently or in combination with other data. Your proposals should contribute to a certain value in terms of economic, environmental or social sustainability for the individual households, energy companies, cities and/or society as a whole, says Fredrik Wallin.
The competition is organised in conjunction with the HUB2021 conference. The conference is arranged by the Energy Competence Center, in cooperation with MDH, amongst others.
Submit your competition entry no later than 20 October. External link, opens in new window.
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