
Datum 2021-12-20
Artikeltyp News

Sweden’s most exciting mission?

This article was written before our official name change on January 1, 2022 from Mälardalen University (MDH) to Mälardalen University (MDU).

We are looking for a new Vice-Chancellor. Professor Paul Pettersson, who has been Vice-Chancellor for almost six years, announced earlier this autumn that he will not be available for a further period as Vice-Chancellor when his appointment expires in October 2022. Mälardalen University is now looking for a new Vice-Chancellor who, in their role as academic leader, head of authority and employer, wants to lead the continued development towards becoming Sweden's next University.

To increase Sweden’s competitiveness in terms of further developing education and research, the Government has officially conferred university status on Mälardalen University (MDH). Based on the vision – a progressive and collaborative University where together we shape a sustainable future, preparations have been ongoing during the year to form the new University’s goals and strategies.

“This is an exciting time. After almost 45 years as a university college, the time has come to take the long-awaited step towards becoming an official University. An important duty for our new Vice-Chancellor is to continue to drive development forward in our efforts where collaboration with the surrounding community run like a common thread throughout the entire organisation,” says Pär Eriksson, Chair of the Board.

Pär Eriksson emphasises that this is a possibility that only comes once in a lifetime.
“It’s a unique opportunity to be part of this exciting development journey and help shape Sweden's next University. We educate people to provide society with skills – not only in the Mälardalen region but also nationally and internationally – and we have a close cooperation with our partners. Mälardalen University has extensive research activities characterised by independence and integrity. We are looking for a leader who understands the importance of collaboration, qualitative education and who also stands up for academic freedom,” he says.

In conjunction with Paul Pettersson’s announcement that he will not be available for a further period as Vice-Chancellor when his appointment expires in October, the Board of MDH therefore took the decision to start the process to appoint a new Vice-Chancellor. Behind this decision is the fact that Paul Pettersson and his family are planning to move to California next year, where his wife will take on a global leadership role.

Read more about the assignment and see what qualifications are required to become the next Vice-Chancellor External link.


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