
Datum 2021-08-27
Artikeltyp News

Collaboration is a self-evident aspect of research and education

This article was written before our official name change on January 1, 2022 from Mälardalen University (MDH) to Mälardalen University (MDU).

It is essential that governments, the private sector, civil society, and other actors collaborate in order to achieve the UN's Global goals for sustainability. According to the UN, the agenda is imbued with a multi-actor perspective, which is required given the scope and ambition of the agenda. MDH was founded in collaboration, which is a self-evident part of both education and research.

Collaboration is part of the University's DNA and has been an important building block already from the start. When MDH opened its doors in 1977, collaboration fulfilled many needs in the region, and a close cooperation with both the private and public sectors developed rapidly.

Today, collaboration is an integral part of the University’s education and research. The University also has numerous strategic collaboration projects and collaboration agreements with companies and the public sector.

"We need to work together if we are to solve our societal challenges. At MDH our researchers, together with companies and the public sector, conduct many research projects and thanks to the combined expertise, results and mutual benefit are achieved more quickly. One third of Sweden's population is located in this region and many of Sweden's largest international companies are also located here. In this region, research is carried out that is internationally successful, and which is necessary for Sweden to lead a sustainable technology development. Our research is of benefit here locally but also contributes to global challenges that affect our entire planet, such as the energy transformation, vehicle electrification, water purification and health technology," says Helena Jerregård, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Collaboration at MDH.

The importance of collaboration from an educational perspective is emphasised by Sara Olofsson, Collaboration Coordinator at the University:

"We also have a close discussion with our partners regarding the development of the University's courses and study programmes to ensure the need for new skills going forward. Together we make efforts to try to get more people to get an education in a profession where there is a worrying skills shortage in Sweden. And during their studies, students have the opportunity to get a placement, work with real cases and establish contacts with future employers, which in turn increases the chances of choosing to remain in the region after they qualify.


Collaboration platforms

MDH runs hundreds of collaborative projects and long-term collaboration processes with the private sector, county council, municipalities, authorities, and organisations. Local, regional as well as global. By concluding agreements at strategic level, the University can build a platform for long-term cooperation that benefits everyone.

Mälardalen University has strategic collaboration agreements with the following organisations: ABB, Alstom, Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö, Eskilstuna municipality, Mälarenergi, Region Sörmland, Region Västmanland, VafabMiljö, Volvo Construction Equipment, Sparbanken Rekarne and Västerås City.

Examples of collaboration platforms:

  • Automation Region
  • Electrification Hub
  • Mälardalen Industrial Technology Center, MITC
  • Mälardalens kompetenscentrum för lärande (Mälardalens teaching and learning skills centre), MKL
  • Robotdalen
  • Samhällskontraktet
  • Sörmlandskontraktet
  • Tillväxtmotorn (Driving Growth Motor for small and medium-sized companies)




FN:s globala mål

MDH is conducting operations in all of the UN’s global goals for sustainability. Collaboration can be linked to goal number 17, Partnerships for the Goals.

Research on the UN's sustainable development goals

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