Here’s how to keep in touch with your friends when everything’s digital
Now when we can’t see one another physically any more it’s become more difficult to make new friends and to keep previous relationships with classmates. But there are solutions! Here are our best tips for how you can keep in touch with one another in an easy and safe way.
It’s always good to take breaks from studies, and you can fill these by going for a walk. Why not together with a friend? Take a walk keeping your distance, or if for various reasons you can’t meet up, take a walk in separate ways but talk on the phone at the same time.
Digi-workout together
Another good and fun trick to keep in touch is to work out together on Zoom. If you want tips for workout sessions, YouTube is filled with clips you can start with. It gives you the chance to do something together, at the same time as you’re getting exercise after a long day studying. Win-win!
Now for something completely different than workouts: fika. Or rather a digital one. Who can refuse a cup of coffee and a nice chat? Book a video chat with your friends and see one another on the screen.
Study date
Take the initiative to make a study date on Zoom. You’d probably be happy yourself if one of your classmates took the time to set one up, so what are you waiting for? This time you do the inviting!
The last tip is to arrange a Friday afterwork and meet digitally to celebrate the start of the weekend. It might feel dull not to meet physically, so make sure to do something fun in the situation and perhaps get dressed up as you would have done normally. Of course you’ve got to celebrate your successes, and each week studying is a step forwards in your studies, isn’t it?