
Datum 2020-10-08
Artikeltyp News

Spread of infection at MDH has subsided

Everything indicates that the outbreak of the corona infection that broke out among business students has levelled out. According to the infection control doctor at the infection control unit in Västerås, there has been only a marginal increase during the last week, which is a clear signal that the measures taken by the University have had effect and that the spread of infection has subsided.

– It’s extremely gratifying that the action taken by the University has produced results and that our students are following the directives they were given. This has contributed to our success in halting the spread of infection and isolating the outbreak to the four study programmes concerned, says Malin Gunnarsson, Deputy University Director at MDH.

Malin Gunnarsson emphasises that the pandemic is far from over and that all students at MDH need to continue to follow the existing directives regarding staying at home at the slightest symptom, being careful about hand hygiene and keeping their distance from other people, both on campus and during their spare time.

The outbreak of the infection occurred in connection with festivities arranged by student associations outside the University’s sphere of influence, but the University feels a great responsibility and has both taken measures to reduce the ongoing spread of infection and has had continual dialogues with the Student Union and the student associations about how these organisations can cooperate to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. This work is continuing. A total of 112 people have been infected.


Gradual return

Students on the programmes concerned were obliged to revert to distance tuition with immediate effect in connection with the outbreak. These students will now gradually be able to return to the normal situation for the autumn semester. The general principle is distance tuition until the exam period which begins in week 44, but some modules could return to campus earlier than this.

– Since the start of the autumn semester the University has had reduced activity on campus. 75 percent of the total number of students still have teaching by distance. We are continuing to adapt our activities in accordance with the Public Health Authority of Sweden’s directives so that we can conduct some parts of our activities on campus. That our students feel that it is safe to be present on our premises is important to us and therefore it is especially important that we all help one another to reduce the risk of spreading the infection, says Malin Gunnarsson.

Reduce spread of infection

To reduce the spread of infection and for students and staff to be safe on the University premises it is important that we all remerber to keep distance, stay at home when ill or at the slightest symptom and wash your hands regularly.

MDH and the coronavirus

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