
Datum 2020-06-16
Artikeltyp News

Smarter AI vehicles with the help of citizens in Västerås

This article was written before our official name change on January 1, 2022 from Mälardalen University (MDH) to Mälardalen University (MDU).

Researchers at Mälardalen University are to carry out tests in Västerås to be able to improve AI vehicles. The test results will help researchers to develop computer systems in vehicles that are able to discover risk behaviour in people and thereby prevent traffic accidents.

– In Västerås the tests will be carried out in a simulator where the test people will be subjected to real traffic situations – in a normal state, with added stress factors, and with alcohol in their bodies. Through these tests we’ll be collecting data on how the road users behave. Afterwards we’ll be analysing all the data collected, says Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Project Manager of SimuSafe at MDH.

The human factor lies behind 90 percent of all traffic accidents. But if vehicles can learn to identify risk behaviour in pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, a great deal of the accidents could be prevented. In the SimuSafe project, sixteen partners from eleven countries are working to develop computer systems that can simulate human behaviour, with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and other computer science methods.

– The systems could be used in different types of vehicles to increase knowledge about human driving patterns and to calculate the risks. If the vehicles can learn to work out how people are going to act, then accidents can be prevented, says Shahina Begum, Professor of AI and one of the researchers in the project.

90 test participants required

MDH is responsible for one of nine work packages in the project, which deals with what is called intelligent computer analysis. To collect data, tests are to be carried out involving over 800 people of different ages and in different countries, of whom 90 persons are in Västerås.

– To get relevant data it’s important that the tests are carried out with real people. Right now we’re looking for car drivers, motor cyclists, cyclists and pedestrians of the ages from 18-24 years and 50-70 years, says Mobyen Uddin Ahmed.

Video: Staffan Ehde, Senseair.

Take part in a study on how stress and/or alcohol affects us in the traffic

Your role: You play the part of a car driver, motor cyclist, cyclist or pedestrian, in a simulated traffic environment in which you are affected by stress and/or alcohol. If you wish to drive a car or motorbike simulator you must be able to present a valid driving licence for the appropriate vehicle.

Age: 18 – 24 years or 50 – 70 years.

Duration: Each participant must be available for 4-5 days, one whole day and the rest half days.

Remuneration: We compensate test persons with 2500 SEK.

Test period: The study will be carried out on weekdays between week 36 and week 52, 2020.

You will be given more detailed information at an information meeting. The information meeting and the tests will be held at Senseair, Flottiljgatan 49 in Västerås.

If you wish to participate in the study, fill in the questionnaire here: https://forms.gle/rkKhYFY63ypfgP1T7 External link.

Afterwards we will get back to you by email as soon as possible.

If any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact mobyen.ahmed@mdh.se

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