Contact tracing at MDH
MDH will be helping the regions in Sörmland and Västmanland with contact tracing. This means that the University will be informing people who may have been exposed to risks of infection on the University premises. MDH has established a procedure for how contact tracing can be done.
If a person from MDH, whether a member of staff or a student, has a confirmed infection, Region Sörmland, Region Västmanland or the infected person themself are to inform the University of this. Then it is up to MDH to spread the information on to all those concerned who may have been exposed to a risk of infection.
If you have been near to a person with a confirmed infection you should bear in mind the following:
- According to the guidelines from Infection Control Västmanland you should meet as few people as possible up to and including 14 days after the time of infection.
- You can go to the University as long as you are completely healthy.
- You are urged to refrain from social indoor activities in your spare time, for example indoor training, dinner parties and parties in general.
- If you are able to study from home this is to be preferred.
- During these 14 days you must be extra careful to keep your distance from others, be careful with your hand hygiene and be watchful of any symptoms.
- If you do have symptoms (even mild ones) you must isolate yourself and get tested for covid-19 and also continue to be isolated pending test results.
More information
More information due to the coronavirus.