Free AI-education to improve production in Swedish process industry
AIClass is the name of a new web-based education, developed by researchers at Mälardalen University (MDH) in collaboration with companies in the process industry and coordinated by RISE SICS, Västerås.
The purpose of the education is to spread knowledge about Big data, Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) which can be applied in the process industry to improve production.
– Our intention is to increase the level of knowledge to an extent where individuals and companies can understand the possibilities these techniques can offer. The aim is also to generate new ideas on how AI and Deep Learning can improve efficiency in relevant processes, says Shahina Begum, project leader of the project Into Deep at MDH.
The new AI education can be seen as a complement to formal education and is a result of the Into DeeP project, funded by Vinnova. The learning modules of AI and Deep Learning were created by researchers at MDH and the research institute RISE SICS, with support from the companies Billerud Korsnäs and PulpEye. The education is free of charge and is aimed at both professionals and students, who are interested in AI, and want to get an initial overview and briefing on what the area is all about.
– The learning modules are open to a wide audience through a public web site and has been developed in an OER format (Open Educational Resources). Web based education allows for flexible learning and combination with other tasks and obligations in both working life and private, says Malin Rosqvist, at RISE SICS and project coordinator of the project Into Deep.
AI – the answer to face global competitiveness
Process industry represents close to 50 percent of the production in Sweden. In order to face global competitiveness Swedish industries’, need to increase their knowledge about Big data, AI and ML. In order for companies in the process industry to be able to improve production and increase efficiency, they need to collect and analyze data on the production process. But the tools used in the process industry today, are not sufficient.
– The traditional tools cannot handle the huge amount of data available, but techniques like ML make it possible. By collecting and analyzing data on the production process, industries can learn from the information and implement measures to improve production and increase efficiency, says Mobyen Uddin Ahmed main responsible for AI and Deep learning modules at MDH.
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