
State of Electrification

Download the latest Quarterly Report: State of Electrification, Q4 2024

Our ambition with the report is to give companies and organizations, maybe like you, trustworthy and up-to-date information about the electrification value chain, to be able to easily get an overview of the global trends and take advantage of the opportunities. The report is providing a holistic view on the electrification value chain, such as batteries, electronic components, raw materials and implementation of charging infrastructure.

We see that the report can provide input for:

  • Management, boards and strategy departments – as qualified input for strategic decision making and as a basis for plans and collaboration areas going forward.
  • R&D managers and teams, as well as academics - to identify opportunities and needs to scout for and collaborate on new solutions, with innovative suppliers/startups, as well as take action based on the global development.
  • Policy makers – to provide fact-based analysis with perspectives as a basis for e g regulation, incentive schemes, and timing of policy initiatives.
  • Scaleups and startups – to build your pitch based on facts, identify market opportunities to focus on, and identify collaboration partners and potential customers.

The report is released every quarter, together with Business Sweden. State of Electrification is a unique quarterly recurring report providing opportunities to make sense of and benefit from the rapidly changing electrification landscape. With detailed analysis based on thousands of data points and major data sources, this report supports you in identifying opportunities, exploring collaborative areas and setting your plans for the future.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us for a presentation or discussion about the report and how you can use it.

Mikael Hjorth

Mikael Hjorth, CEO, Electrification Hub
