Public Deliverables
- Deliverable 2.1: Report of the characteristics of the small DHC and the requirements Pdf, 578 kB.
- Deliverable 2.2: Report on the development of the small scale DHC system model Pdf, 1.3 MB.
- Deliverable 2.3: Description of the Model Predictive Control algorithm, including concept, block diagram, implementation and software specifications Pdf, 738.7 kB.
- Deliverable 3.1: Description of the test site chosen to implement and test the new technology and of the equipment that have to be installed in order to allow the monitoring of the system Pdf, 2.3 MB.
- Deliverable 3.2: Definition of the test site control baseline, which is the result of the first monitoring phase Pdf, 586.2 kB.
- Deliverable 3.3: Report on the Model Predictive Control algorithm hardware implementation, validation and debugging procedure Pdf, 185.6 kB.
- Deliverable 3.4: Report on the new technology monitoring and experimental campaign, and on the analysis of the data Pdf, 170.4 kB.
- Deliverable 4.1: Report on the development of the physical model of district heating network Pdf, 563.9 kB.
- Deliverable 4.2: Report on the development of the statistical load model Pdf, 951.5 kB.
- Deliverable 5.1: Report on the use of load model for normal cases to meet weather changes Pdf, 608.9 kB.
- Deliverable 5.2: Report on the experience with optimization strategy and the use of pipelines and buildings as heat storage Pdf, 883 kB.
- Deliverable 6.1: Technical synthesis and multi-scale strategy for DHC systems Pdf, 1011.8 kB.
- Deliverable 7.1: Report on the results from the questionnaire for evaluation of how customers respond to heat storage in their buildings with varying temperature Pdf, 412.6 kB.
- Deliverable 7.2: Guidelines for energy policies and feedback on different business models Pdf, 267.3 kB.