European Seminar II
CIRCLE-LAB project is aimed at supporting the initial and continuous professional development of teachers’ profiles in accordance with the European lifelong learning approach through the application of practical and innovative tools in order to promote circular chemistry in secondary schools. CIRCLE-LAB transnational approach represents an added value for promoting a spirit of cooperation among partners where virtuous experiences of policies, projects, and practices can be shared between countries with different levels of ESD awareness, and for addressing these key challenges.
During this second national Workshops, the project results will be presented, then the audience will be able to test some of the educational materials created during the project. All the feedback gathered will enable us to finalize and improve them. After the National workshops, the results of the project will be presented during the final dissemination conference on the 30th of August.
The following materials on the theme of Circular chemistry will be tested, every country will have a specific theme:
- Online Interactive articles, the goal of this article is to make more
- The educational game for students. This game is aiming to use knowledge learned about circular chemistry in an interactive and fun way.
- Videos: videos have been created to gain knowledge and catch student attention.
By testing those materials and giving your feedback you will enable us to improve them for learning purposes
CIRCLE LAB European Seminar II
Italy: 11 May 2023
Lithuania: 26 May 2023
Sweden: 25 May 2023
Spain: TBD
Macedonia: 29 May 2023
- Presentation of Circle Lab (00:30)
After a presentation of the project and the work carried out. Students and Teachers/other stakeholders will be divided to test the different materials.
- Testing Phase (2:30)
Students will be testing the game and interactive articles. The goal is to know how much they can interact alone and how much they know more about sustainable chemistry after realizing the activities.
Teachers /other stakeholders will be testing the interactive articles and the videos. The goal is to estimate the level of difficulty for the students and how they think they would use the educational materials with their students.