Stefan Karlsson
I am a Senior Software Engineer at ABB and an Industrial Ph.D. student at Mälardalens University. I have an MSc. in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. After completing my education, I have worked as a professional software engineer for close to two decades, spanning several different areas.

About Stefan's thesis
In my research, I focus on supporting developers in better understanding complex software-intensive systems. Currently, the primary way of doing so has been to use automatic example-generation approaches. The generated examples help users understand their systems. In addition, the generated examples can be used to show faults, as well as a basis for user documentation, and testing.
Stefan's publications
Licentiate Thesis
Towards Augmented Exploratory Testing (2021)
S Karlsson
Mälardalen University
Conference/Workshop Paper
QuickREST: Property-based Test Generation of OpenAPI-Described RESTful APIs (Oct 2020) External link.Stefan Karlsson
External link., Adnan Causevic
External link., Daniel Sundmark
External link.IEEE 13th International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST2020)
Exploratory test agents for stateful software systems (Aug 2019) External link.Stefan Karlsson
External link.Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'19)
Automatic Property-based Testing of GraphQL APIs (2021)
S Karlsson, A Čaušević, D Sundmark
2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automation of Software Test
Model-based Automated Testing of Mobile Applications: An Industrial Case Study (2021)
Stefan Karlsson, Adnan Čaušević, Daniel Sundmark, Mårten Larsson
2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW)