
Henrik Gustavsson

Henrik Gustavsson has an M.Sc. in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at Linköping University. He has 23 years with Alstom in various leading engineering roles in embedded systems and functional architecture in railway vehicle applications. He has been involved from start to completion in four large metro projects in Stockholm and London.

About Henrik's thesis

This research addresses the adoption of modern technologies in product line requirements engineering, specifically in product line use cases. Comprehensive use cases have around ten attributes, make a key input to the systems/software engineering and are a unique bridge between many product stakeholder groups, including both non-engineers and engineers. The use cases shall meet the diverse needs of all stakeholder groups. In the research we explore the use of SysML-based domain specific languages, as well as the optimal format, scope, abstraction level and breakdown structure in use case specifications, that make the use cases effective from understandability, variability and reuse perspective.