Anders Lager
Anders Lager has a master’s degree in Engineering Physics at Uppsala University. Employed by ABB Robotics in 1995, he is today a Principal Engineer with a background in software development and project management. General experiences include Robot Control Systems and Mechatronics. Hands-on experiences include Motion Control, Machine Vision, Realistic 3D Simulations and different robot applications, e.g. picking and palletizing.

About Anders' thesis:
In this thesis, we explore task planning and scheduling as a means to improve efficiency
and productivity for industrial mobile robot applications. To handle disturbances, unexpected conditions and events in the working environment of robots, a degree of autonomous robot behaviour is needed. More specifically, the need for efficiency in the industry motivates an ability to explore alternative action sequences that may lead to a better overall plan, where unexpected conditions and need for replanning are taken into account, but that will maintain a predictable robot behaviour.
Anders' publications:
Journal article:
Task Roadmaps: Speeding up Task Replanning (Apr 2022) External link.Anders Lager
External link., Giacomo Spampinato , Alessandro Papadopoulos
External link., Thomas Nolte
External link.Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Front. Robot. AI)
Conference/Workshop Paper:
A Scalable Heuristic for Mission Planning of Mobile Robot Teams (Jul 2023) External link.Anders Lager
External link., Branko Miloradovic
External link., Giacomo Spampinato , Thomas Nolte
External link., Alessandro Papadopoulos
External link., 22nd IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2023)
A Task Modelling Formalism for Industrial Mobile Robot Applications (Dec 2021) External link.Anders Lager
External link., Alessandro Papadopoulos
External link., Giacomo Spampinato , Thomas Nolte
External link.20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2021)
IoT and Fog Analytics for Industrial Robot Applications (Sep 2020) External link.Anders Lager
External link., Alessandro Papadopoulos
External link., Thomas Nolte
External link.The 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2020)
Towards Reactive Robot Applications in Dynamic Environments (Sep 2019) External link.Anders Lager
External link., Giacomo Spampinato , Alessandro Papadopoulos
External link., Thomas Nolte
External link.The 24th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2019)